2. Las Vegas at night

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June 22nd, 2010 Permalink

Taken 6/16, uploaded 6/22.


1. Self Portrait at 30.

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June 15th, 2010 Permalink

~20 minutes of fiddling before dinner. One light up high through a shoot-through umbrella high camera right, the other behind the monitor to the left. Canon 10-22mm lens, not your typical portrait lens… The next few days Dori and I will be out west. I’ll take a photo every day, but I may not be able to post it every day. I’ll do my best!


The gear

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June 15th, 2010 Permalink

What photo-related blog would be complete without some discussion of gear? As a general rule this is not a gear blog, but I do feel its necessary to establish where I’m starting, and from time to time I will no doubt want to extoll/denegrate some piece of gold/crap I’m using.

With that said, here’s a summary of my photo gear:

  • Canon Rebel XSi / 450D.  Entry level crop-sensor format DSLR.  Acquired c. 12/2008, excellent condition.
  • Canon EFs 10-22mm lens.  Excellent condition.
  • Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 lens.  Excellent condition.
  • Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 macro.  Excellent condition.  This is probably my favorite lens.
  • Tamron 17-270 f/4-6.3 lens.  Excellent condition.  My new workhorse.  I don’t love it, but it definitely produces.
  • Manfrotto 190XPROB tripod with an Induro SA-23 ballhead and a neoprene strap.  Great tripod!
  • Gorillapod SLR-Zoom.  A must-pack item.
  • Canon 580 exII flash
  • Vivitar DF-383-CAN flash
  • Manfrotto 501B Nano Lightstand w/ Impact umbrella holder
  • Westcott 60″ shoot-through umbrella
  • Roscoe strobist gel set
  • A variety of cords, cables, and IR-based off-camera-flash equipment, all acquired off ebay.
  • A 3 or 4 of filters for the Cokin P system.  One circular polarizer, the rest are ND-grad filters in various f-stop increments.  Two filter holders – one standard, the other modified with a dremel tool to avoid vignetting on my 10-22mm.
  • A rain sleeve that is way too big for most of my lenses.

That’s pretty much everything.  My feeling is that as photographers go, this is somewhere in the middle in terms of quantity of gear.  Obviously not everything comes with me all the time, and some stuff I acquired so I could learn about particular areas of the trade.  The umbrella, light stand and the vivitar flash, for example, was so I could learn the basics of lighting, particularly with multiple light sources.

Introductions and all that

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June 11th, 2010 Permalink

Hi there. My name is Dave Steinberg, and I’m a wannabe pro photographer.

I’m almost 30 years old, I work in IT, and I live just outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  I’ve lived here for 2 years with my wife, Dori, a grad student at UNC.

My goal with this blog is to take a picture and post it here every day.  By doing so, I hope to become a better photographer by sheer brute force.  My foundation is pretty simple:

  1. Improving one’s skill requires time.  I’ve probably already climbed the steep part of the learning curve.  The next part will be a long, slow climb.
  2. On average, 1 picture out of every 100 will be good.  I’ll need to take around 100 pictures in a day if I want any hope of getting a good one to post.
  3. The adventure is the journey, not the destination.

The rest… well we’ll see how that goes along the way.