161. Eastern Bluebirds

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November 20th, 2010 Permalink

8 of them! Dori and I went for a walk with our local bird club this morning to Mason Farm, and this was right at the start. Just prior to this we saw a pair (!) of red-shouldered hawks sunning themselves. They flew off just as we got out of the car.


160. Red-Shouldered Hawk

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November 19th, 2010 Permalink

Dori went out for a run this morning and saw this guy on the way back. I got myself together quickly and ran out, hoping to catch it still there. Twice now she’s spotted it in the same area, perhaps there is a nest…



159. Fall Foliage #4

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November 18th, 2010 Permalink

There’s still plenty on the trees, but we’re definitely past the peak. The weekend ought to be warm, so maybe the leaves will hang on long enough for my folks to see them next week.


158. Red Tree, by the kitchen

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November 17th, 2010 Permalink


157. Yellow Birdhouse

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November 16th, 2010 Permalink

Another dreary day around here meant I didn’t get out for much shooting today.


156. G&B 85%

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November 15th, 2010 Permalink

I had several ideas tonight, most of which failed, and this is where I landed. Somehow I thought while taking the shot that the little chocolate crumbs would add character, but now I am not so sure.


155. Fall Foliage #3

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November 14th, 2010 Permalink


154. View from Macrae Peak, Grandfather Mountain, NC

November 14th, 2010 Permalink

Dori and I took a day trip out to Grandfather Mountain today, and experienced some of the toughest hiking we’ve ever done. The start of the trail was rocky with moderate inclines, boulders, and moderate amounts of trees and shrubbery. As we climbed higher we found smooth slabs of rock 10-20 feet tall with rope lines to aid the traversal. Higher still, the rope lines were replaced with ladders. Ladders met other ladders, separated in parts by 4-inch-wide ledges offering no room for error. The mountain in the foreground is Grandfather Mountain with the Mile-High bridge visible at its peak.


153. Carolina Chickadee on a Sweet Gum Tree

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November 12th, 2010 Permalink


152. Oyster Shell

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November 11th, 2010 Permalink
